August 18 – October 14
Opening Reception: August 18, 2023. 6 to 9pm
Closing Reception: October 14, 2023. 6 to 9pm
Emphasizing the elements of line, shape, and depth, these works take you on a journey between representational and abstract visualizations exploring how we see and feel our world in addition to what is beyond. The further that works are removed from direct representations of reality, the more open our perceptions can be to accessing a range of thought. It’s this openness that allows the viewer to create room for spirituality and the depths of our minds while facing the desire for reassurance to make sense of our experiences. This push and pull effect reminds us that what we see is what we know. So what lies beyond what we see? A line can be drawn around the Earth to make a circle, but a limitless line only exists beyond Earth into an endless and always expanding universe. Yet, we also understand a circle as a polygon with an infinite number of sides. The relationship between representation and abstraction is ever-evolving as we are tied to our senses of what is possible on Earth. Embrace line, shape, and depth with artists: