April 2, 2021- April 30, 2021
Opening Reception
April 2, 2021
Closing Reception
April 16, 2021
Modified Arts presents Future Intercept, a photo series crafted by Douglas Miles. Future Intercept transverses through time, rejecting western exotic, white gaze, stereotypes of Native people in America as a way to reimagine the future of Indigenous and Native communities. Through the exploration of Futurism, we are presented with a narrative that looks back on a distraught past to reconstruct and foretell an impending future. By bending and folding the past and future as it collides, the photo work and video piece of Douglas Miles speaks on lineage and legacy within a community who’s roots are deeply embedded across the Americas.
Schedule for viewing video piece by Douglas Miles:
4/2-2/2: 7pm-8pm
4/9- 4/11: 7pm-8pm
4/16-4/18: 7pm-8pm
4/23-4/25: 7pm-8pm